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There’s about ten to twenty articles I started writing in hopes that someone else would come behind me and finish them. This month I’ll be putting a lid on one per week. While we’re at it, let’s see if some of YOU can write some posts up here too! This blog was built for community link sharing, showing off your latest projects (consider the fact that there are people in the department a few years younger than you that you could potentially never even meet!), and just generally be aware of what’s going on in the multimedia industry at large. I refuse to stop blogging on here because the landscape of multimedia refuses to stop changing. An alumni has to contribute somehow, right? Right.

Anyway, hats off to all you multimedia kids.

made by Wray in the summer of 2008

Welcome to the first post ever. I’m so glad you could make it. My name is Wray, and I said I was going to do it and I did. This is our lovely new blog. I’ve never had a blog before, nor do I understand the ins and outs of it, but there’s going to be activity here. I suggest you all get hip to a number of things.

First order of business, MMAC MEMBERS get web-savvy! Sign up for a wordpress account (not an actual blog) preferably of something we’ll recognize like… your name? Maybe? Then, as an MMAC member, we’ll hook you up to the authoring system. From there, if I know my web 2.0, everyone becomes a “writer” of sorts. The goal I think will be to have something new on the site at least ONCE A DAY.

Second order, MMAS MAJORS , should want to be more of readers than writers, ie those of you taking multimedia classes who saw a flyer from the future, but aren’t yet interested in being active. Or whatever… I highly suggest hooking up to the subscribe to the RSS feed with whatever techno-whiz gadget you’ve got. Firefox is good at doing it. So is Gmail. And Google Reader is even fancier.

Long story short, I wanted the multimedia club to embrace blogging. To share and to compete with others. Yaaaay blogs. 🙂 😮 🙂 😀 😮 🙂

Events Calendar

Student Show 2010
April 2nd

April 1st

Up All Nights
Sunday, Feb 28
Friday, April 30

Super Saturday
March 6th - March 27th