5000 dollars. in your pocket. actually, it’s more. Just to sit at this desk. Actually, you have to do more than that. I had to do a lot more than that.


Design Tech, an REU site funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) and the Department of Defense (DoD) Awards to Stimulate and Support Undergraduate Research Experiences (ASSURE), is an interactive visual design hothouse with projects spanning artificial intelligence, graphics, visualization, and visual design. Projects include cinematic camera control for interactive narratives and games; automated tours through virtual, visualized environments; agent-based visualizations of streaming data such as RSS feeds and sensor telemetries; and PDA-based navigation tools.

Student participants will work with faculty, attend seminars, acquire oral and written skills and learn how to conduct independent research at the boundary between the disciplines of Design and Computer Science

DesignTech is taking applications again this year. It’s an undergraduate research program at NC State. You’ll work with really talented people. The paycheck is non-taxable income. You get to live in a … dorm. Then at the end you get to present your work in a huge room full of other research undergrads.


It’s a little hard to explain just how exciting it was because I don’t have too many good pictures. I strongly encourage anyone to send in an application before April 20th, and see how it goes.

More about my project, if you’re interested, is here, here, and here.